Partner with Us

High Quality Farms Southwest Michigan

High Quality Farms Offers you Opportunity

High Quality Farms has a solid reputation of working with local farmers and other landowners to protect their investment. Flexibility is the key to our partnership arrangements. Because every farm is a unique enterprise, we will adapt payment schedules to meet your needs, and we will work with you to maximize your land value investment. We would love to help you with your unique situation. Please call us at (269) 423-9398 or reach out through our online contact form.

We offer three options that can be tailored to fit your situation:

Cash Rent
Farmland rental rates depend on many factors, including demand,soil quality, parcel size, access, previous crop history, wet spots, obstructions (telephone poles, fence rows, etc.) and proximity to the lessee’s home base. However, farmland rental rates in southwestern Michigan have been comparatively high for several years. Now may be the time to consider renting your land, especially if you are no longer interested in the labor, capital costs, and market volatility involved with farming your land.

Crop Share
A flexible crop share arrangement built on mutual trust and cooperation may appeal to you. Risks as well as profits are shared, and there can be numerous tax advantages to this option. If you are unfamiliar with crop sharing, a thorough review is provided by the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee:
> Additional Information on Crop Sharing

Custom Farming
High machinery costs may motivate you to consider our custom farming services. You will maintain close control of your business, but you will not have to perform the day-to-day activities. Further, you will be materially involved in farming for tax purposes.

Contact Us Today

Since we approach every situation as a unique opportunity, many variations are possible related to the three options above. If you have land in Southwest Michigan, we would love to explore how we can work together. Call us at (269) 423-9398 or fill out our online contact form: > Contact Form